During a home invasion, Minnesota senator Nicole Mitchell arrested and charged with burglary


A Minnesota state senator, Sen. Nicole Mitchell from Woodbury, is now facing charges related to a burglary at a home in Detroit Lakes earlier this week.

The Becker County Attorney’s Office has charged the 49-year-old senator with first-degree burglary stemming from the incident on Tuesday.

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Police received a call around 4:45 a.m. on Monday reporting a burglary in progress at a residence near Granger Road and Long Avenue. Upon arrival, officers discovered Nicole Mitchell inside the home and proceeded to arrest her. She was then booked into Becker County Jail. Mitchell denied the allegations in a statement posted to her state senator’s Facebook page on Tuesday.

Nicole Mitchell says she was checking on a family member with Alzheimer’s, not stealing

In her Facebook post, Mitchell clarified that she didn’t take anything from the home and explained that she entered because she was worried about a sick family member.

Nicole Mitchell said the situation was a “true tragedy” for her family and expressed her hope that it could “return to being a private matter.” Mitchell also took the opportunity to express gratitude to friends and colleagues from both political parties for their support during this challenging time.

Read Mitchell’s full statement below:

Regarding the recent news:

Like so many families, mine is dealing with the pain of watching a loved one decline due to Alzheimer’s and associated paranoia.

Over the weekend, I learned of medical information which caused me grave concern and prompted me to check on that family member. I entered a home I have come and gone from countless times in the past 20 years, where my son even once had his room.

Unfortunately, I startled this close relative, exacerbating my paranoia, and I was accused of stealing, which I deny.

Thank you to all my friends (and colleagues of both parties) for the kind words of support and for trusting my character even before I had a chance to respond.

This has been a true tragedy for our family and my hope is it can return to being a private matter.

WCCO spoke Tuesday with Mitchell’s attorney by phone. He said he advised her not to resign.

Minnesota senator Nicole Mitchell arrested
Minnesota senator Nicole Mitchell arrested

According to charges, Mitchell broke into his stepmother’s home to get his deceased father’s possessions

According to the criminal complaint, the home Mitchell is accused of burgling belonged to her stepmother. It was her stepmother who alerted the police about the break-in. Upon their arrival, Mitchell, the suspect, was found hiding in the basement.

Mitchell was dressed in black attire, including a hat, when officers discovered her in the basement, as per the complaint. Nearby, they found a flashlight with a sock wrapped around it and a black backpack. Inside the backpack were two laptops, a cellphone, Tupperware, and identification documents belonging to Mitchell.

During the investigation, Mitchell revealed to the authorities that her father had recently passed away, and her stepmother was not communicating with her or other family members. She expressed her intention of retrieving some of her father’s belongings because her stepmother refused to engage with her.

During a home invasion, Minnesota senator Nicole Mitchell arrested and charged with burglary
During a home invasion, Minnesota senator Nicole Mitchell was arrested and charged with burglary

“I was just trying to get a couple of my dad’s things because you wouldn’t talk to me anymore,” Mitchell reportedly said to her stepmother during the arrest.

The items Mitchell sought included “pictures, a flannel shirt, ashes, and other sentimental items,” as stated in the complaint. Mitchell allegedly admitted to the police that she had “just gotten into the house” and acknowledged her wrongdoing, stating, “Clearly I’m not good at this.”

Investigators determined that Mitchell gained entry into the house through a basement window. They also questioned her about one of the laptops found in her possession, which displayed her stepmother’s name upon activation. Mitchell claimed her stepmother had given it to her, a claim the stepmother denied.

During her initial court appearance on Tuesday morning, Mitchell was released from custody under certain conditions, including remaining law-abiding and attending all future court proceedings. Her next court hearing is scheduled for June 10th.

Consequences are demanded by lawmakers

Mitchell is currently serving her first term as a state senator. A spokesperson for the Senate DFL Caucus stated on Monday that they are “aware of the situation” but declined to comment further.

Minnesota senator Nicole Mitchell was arrested and charged with burglary
Minnesota senator Nicole Mitchell was arrested and charged with burglary

On Tuesday, Senate Majority Leader Erin Murphy expressed her dismay over the allegations against Senator Mitchell. She stated, “The behavior alleged is upsetting. The allegations are far from the character she has demonstrated in the Senate and throughout her distinguished military career.” Murphy emphasized the importance of due process and acknowledged Mitchell’s right to a full defense in court. She also highlighted the necessity for Mitchell to engage in serious discussions with her colleagues, constituents, and family in the coming days and weeks.

Senate Minority Leader Mark Johnson, on the other hand, called for Mitchell’s resignation in light of the alleged actions. He stated, “I understand the difficult situation her family is facing; however, the actions taken by Sen. Mitchell are disturbing.” Johnson referenced the complaint released by the Becker County Attorney, which outlined the extensive preparation allegedly undertaken by Mitchell to burglarize a family member’s home. He deemed this behavior unacceptable for a legislator and urged Mitchell to resign from the Senate immediately.

Mitchell, who has previously worked as a TV meteorologist and served as a commander with the Air National Guard, was elected in 2022 and is currently in the middle of her first term as a state senator

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